How to Fly in First Class Comfort for Coach Prices

How to Fly For Cheap

Did you know a first-class ticket from Los Angeles to London will cost you anywhere from $8,000.00 to $25,000.00?

I realize most people fly first class with airline miles and credit card points, but if you were to pay cash, these are the prices.

I’ve never flown first class, but often I fly in first-class comfort while paying 95% less than a first-class ticket.

Here’s how I do it.


Ask For Cheap Flights and You Shall Recieve

When you check in at the airport on your next flight, go to the ticketing counter to check in. (even if you’re not checking in bags) (Don’t check in at the automatic kiosk if you don’t have to)

Ask the ticketing agent, How full is the flight?”

If they say anything less than 100% full, ask, “are there any open rows near the back of the plane or anywhere else.”

If there are any open rows, they will give it to you.

If they say there are none, they’ll often look for a row with an open seat between you and another person as the second best option.

That’s fine too.

Often there’s no fee for this. If they charge you a fee, it’s up to you if it is worth it. But read below for a tip to mitigate this.

If you can get a row of 4 seats to yourself, it will be better than first class because you’ll be able to lay out on all the seats and sleep.


You Can Move Seats on a Plane

Did you know that you can move to any open seat on a plane after the cabin doors close?

I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but I’d flown at least 7 or 8 times before I tried to move seats.

But once the cabin doors close, any open seats are fair game.

It’s kind of funny when you start doing this because you’ll see experienced travelers looking around for open seats just before the cabin doors are about to close.

Then, the minute the announcement is made that all are aboard and the doors are closed, about 5 or 6 guys will get up and move seats.

This is perfectly fine, and you can do it too.*

*Caveat: This is only for big international planes and long flights. Sometimes you can’t move on small plans because of weight and balance issues.


The Trick to Getting Favors When Flying 

The power of a suit is never more apparent than when flying.

If you wear a suit, you’ll get more favors at the airport and on planes.

If you ask for open rows or aisle seats, etc. you’re more likely to get them for free if you’re dressed nicely. A suit is best, but even a sports coat will help. Being dressed will separate you from the rest of the crowd, who fly dressed like they just rolled out of bed.

Caveat: Remember, you want to travel in comfort when you’re traveling for 25 hours halfway around the world. So you may not want to wear a suit.

I usually just wear a durable sports coat that I can fold up later and put in my backpack.

(Remember, always bring a backpack, as I said in How to Pack for 10 Days in Europe)

If you have any questions, please comment below.


P.S. If you haven’t seen my new tip sheet for how to get cheap flights. Go here:

Author: Derron