Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer: Solo Travel Warnings

The Main Purpose of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is an excellent book demonstrating the dangers of doing everything on your own. It impacted my solo travel life greatly. 


What Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is About

This book is almost 20 years old and still very impactful today. Published in 1996, the book tells the story of Christopher McCandless, a young man who hiked into the wilderness of Alaska in 1992 with minimal gear and provisions and lived off the land for several months before eventually dying of starvation.

Much more about the book in a second, but first how the book affected my life.


The Book Into the Wild’s Impact on Me

I bought this book around 2018. By that time, I had been traveling the world solo for about two years. I said then, and I say now, 

Nothing makes you a better man than solo travel

My solo travel benefit, and yours too, is that solo travel makes you understand, and truly believe you can do anything on your own. I talked about this in the article: The Amazing Benefits of Traveling Alone

But there are limits.


So when I picked up this book, I wanted to see the downside of being so independent. And this book gives it in full color. 

In the book, and in real life, the kid died because he was alone and didn’t seek help. Moreover, he wasn’t strange or socially awkward. All the people in the book said he was normal. 

I obviously still travel the world solo, that’s why you’re reading these words on this blog. 

But I understand, everything must be taken in moderation.


Details About Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a non-fiction book that tells the story of Christopher McCandless, a young man who hiked into the wilderness of Alaska in 1992 with minimal gear and provisions and lived off the land for several months before eventually dying of starvation.

Krakauer interweaves McCandless’s story with his own experiences as a young man exploring the outdoors and his research into the factors that led to McCandless’s tragic end.


McCandless’s Affluent Family 

The book explores McCandless’s complicated relationships with his family and his desire to escape the materialism and conformity of modern society. McCandless was a gifted and talented young man, who came from an affluent family, but who felt a deep sense of disillusionment with the world around him.

Drawn to a Life of Freedom

He was drawn to the beauty and freedom of the wilderness, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-sufficiency, with the goal of living off the land and forging his own path in life.

The book raises questions about the allure of wilderness and the dangers of romanticizing the natural world. It highlights the importance of preparation and self-sufficiency when venturing into the wild, and cautions against the dangers of recklessness and isolation.


Get the Book Here: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer


What is Jon Krakauer’s Message in Into the Wild?

Jon Krakauer’s true story of Christopher McCandless provides us with important lessons about the dangers of recklessness, the importance of preparation and self-sufficiency, and the complexity of family dynamics. Moreover, it captures the allure of the natural world and the potential for self-discovery and fulfillment that lies within it.


The Dangers of Idealizing Solitude and Isolation

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer highlights the dangers of romanticizing solitude and the belief that one can survive alone in the wilderness. McCandless, who took on the alias Alexander Supertramp, was inspired by the writings of writers such as Jack London and Henry David Thoreau, who celebrated the rugged individualism of the wilderness.

However, unlike these writers, McCandless did not have the experience or skills necessary to survive in the harsh Alaskan wilderness. His lack of preparation and disregard for safety ultimately led to his tragic end.

Respect Nature

While the idea of escaping from the pressures of society and finding solace in the natural world is a seductive one, it is important to recognize the realities and limitations of the wilderness. The natural world can be beautiful and awe-inspiring, but it is also unforgiving and indifferent to human suffering.

McCandless’s story reminds us that we must approach the wilderness with humility and respect, and recognize the importance of preparation and self-sufficiency.



The Importance of Preparation and Self-sufficiency

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer emphasizes the importance of preparation and self-sufficiency when venturing into the wild. McCandless’s lack of survival skills and inadequate supplies contributed to his eventual demise. He had little experience in hunting and foraging, and his supplies were inadequate for the harsh Alaskan wilderness.

He was ill-prepared for the challenges of living off the land, and his idealistic approach to survival ultimately proved fatal.

The lesson here is clear: before embarking on any wilderness adventure, it is important to prepare adequately, learn survival skills, and bring the necessary supplies and equipment. It is also important to recognize one’s own limitations and to have a realistic understanding of what is required for survival in different environments.


The Search for Meaning and Identity in Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

McCandless’s story speaks to a broader cultural trend of young people searching for meaning and identity, often through alternative lifestyles or through the exploration of nature. McCandless was not alone in his desire to escape from society and to live a more authentic life.

His story resonates with many people who feel disillusioned with the world around them, and who are searching for a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

Self-awareness is Important

The lesson here is that the search for meaning and identity is a complex and deeply personal journey. While the natural world can provide a sense of beauty and inspiration, it is important to approach this journey with a sense of balance and self-awareness.

We must recognize our own limitations and vulnerabilities, and seek out the help and support of others when needed. Moreover, it is important to recognize that there is no single path to self-discovery and fulfillment, and that each individual must find their own unique path.


The Complexity of Family Dynamics

The book also explores the complex and often fraught relationships within families, and how these relationships can contribute to a person’s desire to escape from society. McCandless’s relationship with his parents was troubled, and his desire to escape from their expectations and demands played a significant role in his decision to embark on his wilderness journey. He was seeking to forge his own path in life, free from the constraints and expectations of his parents and his upbringing.

The lesson here is that family dynamics can be complex and challenging, and that individuals may feel the need to escape from these dynamics in order to find their own sense of identity and purpose. However, it is important to recognize the role that family plays in our lives, and to seek out healthy ways of navigating these relationships. We must also recognize that our decisions and actions can have profound impacts on those around us, and that we must strive to find a balance between our own desires and the needs and expectations of those we care about.


The Allure of the Natural World

Finally, the book captures the allure of the natural world and the desire for a simpler, more authentic way of life, even as it cautions against the dangers of recklessness and isolation. McCandless was drawn to the beauty and freedom of the wilderness, and his story speaks to a broader cultural fascination with the natural world and its potential for self-discovery and fulfillment.

The lesson here is that the natural world can provide a sense of beauty, inspiration, and connection to something greater than ourselves. However, we must approach this world with humility and respect, recognizing that we are not the center of the universe and that our actions can have profound impacts on the ecosystems and communities around us. We must also recognize the importance of balance and self-awareness, and strive to find healthy and sustainable ways of engaging with the natural world.



Solo travel makes you know for certain that you can – do things on your own, create wonderful experiences out of nothing, and do whatever you want. But the story of Chris McCandless in Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer will make you think.

Grab the book here -> Into the Wild 



Author: Derron