The Amazing Benefits of Traveling Alone

5 Benefits of Traveling Alone


1. Benefit of Solo Travel – Builds Confidence in Yourself

I remember back in August of 2019. I was dating a beautiful girl here in Scottsdale, Arizona. She was a bit flaky and didn’t seem that interested in me.

It didn’t matter because I had just returned from a two-week trip to Russia and Estonia and went on that trip alone.

The following month in September, I was going to traveling alone Croatia and Hungary.

After hanging out with drop-dead gorgeous girls in Russian nightclubs, and knowing I was about to travel to the Balkans, I surely didn’t care if this girl here in Scottsdale was into me or not.

This is what solo travel does for you.

Where the Confidence Comes From

It’s not like when I travel I wrestle alligators, fight Romanian UFC fighters, or date foreign supermodels.

My confidence comes from somewhere else. It comes from knowing that I know that I can create these adventures all by myself without help from anyone.

It is the self-sufficiency in and of itself that makes you more confident.

Yes, you’ll meet wonderful people, see great sights, and have wonderful memories, but confidence comes from just going and coming back.

When you come home, you will be more confident at work, school, and in dating.


Helps Your Dating

It’s no secret that girls like confident guys. Unfortunately, confidence is not something you can fake. But after you’ve taken a trip all by yourself and have more trips planned, any girl you’re talking to will know that you live your life on your own terms.

This confidence will make you more attractive to girls.

(By the way, the girl in 2019 became attracted to me and was pissed when I left for Croatia)


2. Benefit of Traveling Alone – Improve Your Empathy

As I write this in April 2022, I haven’t gotten much sleep in the last month or so. Because, my friends in Kharkiv, Ukraine, had to run for their lives out of the city.

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, my connection was strong because I’ve been to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Odessa, Ukraine.

Benefit of traveling alone
Maidan Nezalezhnosti Square Kyv, Ukraine


It breaks my heart what the Ukrainians are going through.

When you visit a place, you see how the people live, how nice they are, and how caring they are. Then, when that place is in the news, you have a direct connection.

This is what travel does. It makes you see that the world is a big place. And with Instagram, Telegram, and WhatsApp, you can easily keep in touch with the people you meet when traveling.

At least 50% of my friends on social media are people I’ve met traveling the world.


3. Benefit of Solo Travel – Become More Extroverted

I would definitely consider myself an introvert. I get more energy alone than with people. But I know that in life, you must socialize and have human contact. (Isolation in prison is punishment, not reward)

Therefore, I’m always working on being a bit more extroverted.

Traveling alone will help you become more social.

No Spotlight Effect

With that said, when you travel alone, you’re forced to be more talkative. For me, and probably for you too, your inhibitions will be decreased when traveling.

You don’t have the feeling that everyone is looking at you.

So you take more chances, i.e. talk to people, including approaching girls.


You Are Approachable

When you are alone, people will approach you and start talking. Usually, this happens sitting at a bar. But it can happen anywhere, including the airport or walking down a street in Budapest, Hungary.

Especially if you look different from the local guys. See Tip #1 in Solo Travel For Men: 10 Tips

On the contrary, if you’re traveling with your wife, family, girlfriend, or anyone else, strangers are less likely to come up and talk to you.

No beautiful Polish girl is just going to come and ask you where you are from if you’re with 5 guys.


Real Life Google

The best way to find the best restaurant in town is to ask a local.

Instead of taking out your phone and checking TripAdvisor, or some other site to see which restaurant has the most stars or best reviews, ask the locals.

Similarly, instead of using Google Maps to find where you are going, take the opportunity to ask the beautiful girl standing next to you at the stoplight.

All of this will make you more social.


4. Benefit of Traveling Alone – Helps Cure Depression

If you suffer from depression, the best thing is to get in the gym and work out.

The second best thing is to travel.

When you are traveling solo, your senses are heightened. You’re more alert. There are so many things to worry about, from making your flights, to finding your hotel, to finding your way around town, that you have no time to think about anything else.

You will forget about your depression when traveling.

Also, when you return home, your travels have given you memories that will always put you in a good mood.

In fact, people say that the best part of travel is the memory it gives you.


5. Benefit of Solo Travel – Helps You Become Happy and Optimistic

I’m a lawyer by profession. Unfortunately, that breeds a bit of skepticism. On top of that Americans generally believe that traveling is more dangerous than it is.

However, when you start traveling you will see that the world is friendly and most people are good.

In fact, when you start traveling, you will soon discover that people are very similar wherever you go.

Sure there are dangerous people and places, but that is the exception.

In general, the same issues you deal with in the U.S. are the same issues you deal with overseas.



Traveling at all will make you a better person, and traveling alone will make you better – times ten. Everyone talks about the exciting adventures when traveling, but when you return home, you really get the benefit. You’ll have more confidence, empathy, and optimism.

Have fun!

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Author: Derron